Saturday, February 20, 2021

The Ideal Indoor Humidity Level for Your Home

Too high or too low humidity – both can affect our home and health. Too high humidity indicates condensation on windows, stains on walls and creates safe Haven for mold to grow rapidly. It further causes health concerns like asthma and allergies.

how can you check the humidity in your home

Open your windows and doors to allow air to circulate and help remove excess moisture from the air. The humidity levels in your home play an important role in your comfort, health, and overall wellbeing. So, whether your humidity levels are too high or low, it’s important to take some steps to improve the situation. Turn on a fan where you want to check moisture levels, pointing it towards both thermometers. You will need to use one of the thermometers as a “dry bulb” measure and one as a “wet bulb” measure. To control heavier cases of condensation on windows, damp or mould, it is advisable to bring the humidity down to 40% during the winter months.

Everything you need to know about humidity in your home

The problem with this, though, is that they can be incredibly expensive if your house doesn’t already have something like this . If you want to take things up a level and you already have a smarthome hub in your house, you can get some Z-Wave humidity sensors and connect them to your hub. This equation shows that the relative humidity represents a fraction of the water saturation at a certain temperature. Dust or chemicals can prove to be hazardous to the health, depending on the humidity level.

how can you check the humidity in your home

How to test humidity in a house is a question lots of homeowners ask. If you find it hard testing humidity in your home using the above methods, contact a professional to help you out. Get in touch with Moncrief Heating & Air Conditioning for HVAC Atlanta GA & check out the blog for more home humidity tips and HVAC-related issues. For a quality portable humidifier or dehumidifier, you’ll pay between $30 and $250, depending on your needs. If, however, you prefer to have a whole-home humidifier system installed, your investment will run $550 on average.

Let’s connect you with a reliable HVAC expert.

Low humidity levels in your home are easily increased with a humidifier, and you can use a dehumidifier or install exhaust fans in room where humidity may be higher. A more natural way to reduce humidity levels is to purchase plants that reduce humidity. Your humidity levels could be an indicator of a larger issue, such as poor insulation.

how can you check the humidity in your home

High humidity can lead to mold and even promote the growth of bacteria and viruses. If you’ve noticed changes in your health along with other signs of high humidity, it may be time to find a solution. For example, if you have 50% humidity as well as below freezing temperatures outside, you would naturally heat the air up indoors to keep warm. Because of this, condensation can form and you would have a heightened risk of mold formation. By monitoring humidity, you can ensure that you achieve the right humidity levels for your home inclusive of common humidity fluctuations and extraneous variables. Many of them provide great results for the outdoor humidity levels, but it can be harder to determine the indoor air quality.

Top humidifiers and dehumidifiers

The tips we discuss below will help you learn how to lower humidity in your house and control it. If the humidity is less than 15%, the dry air can actually cause health issues to you and damage to your home. On the other side, too low humidity can damage and warp wooden floors and furniture. It can cause dry skin, scratchy noses, increased static electricity leading to serious illness like respiratory issues and infections.

Indoor plants may be beautiful, but you may spike humidity levels if you overload your home with greenery. This is especially noticeable during the cold winter months when the windows stay closed. The first battery-operated smart indoor air quality monitor with Radon detection, including sensors for temperature, air pressure, humidity, VOCs, and CO2.

Take shorter showers and baths and use cooler water, as hot water evaporates more quickly and can actually increase the humidity levels in your home. You can also determine moisture levels though changes in color. For example, inks or crystals that contain cobalt chloride or similar chemicals change their hue when excess moisture exists. You can also use a relative humidity sensor to find the relative humidity. Just do not place the glass in the bathroom or kitchen where the moisture levels are not the same from time to time. Place the ice cubes and water on a table in the room and quickly exit as too much movement can impact the outcome.

Now leave both the thermometers for around 15 minutes in the room you want to measure. If there is condensation on the outer surface of the glass the humidity of that room is pretty high. Do you know too high or too low humidity – both can invite health hazards and other problems??

You can always try these 3 simple methods at home to check the humidity level when you do not have a Hygrometer. Having a Hygrometer is always good, but it isn’t a widely used device to be honest. So this article will come handy for you if you are serious about your health and want to control humidity of your room using diy methods only. Use portable dehumidifiers to remove moisture from humid areas of the home. Too much humidity can lead to problems such as mold growth, increased allergies, respiratory problems, and even structural damage to your home.

how can you check the humidity in your home

Hang clothes to dry outdoors; this will remove moisture from the air. Increase the humidity level in your home by using a humidifier. If you’re looking for ways to improve the air quality in your home, you might be interested in our guide to choosing an air purifier. Perhaps the absolute best way to adjust the humidity in your house is by using a whole-house humidifier and dehumidifier.

Foggy windows when you wake up is a key sign that there is an excess of water in the air. This is another method of determining the humidity level without hygrometer. Keep a fine-mist spray bottle handy and spray the air lightly every hour or so. You don’t want to spray so much that furniture or countertop surfaces become wet; just a light spritz here and there will help raise the humidity level at home.

As most people are aware, high levels of dampness and humidity can supply enough moisture to facilitate mold growth. Asthma is an incredibly common condition that makes it difficult to breathe. The Harvard Review found that 21%3 of the 21.8 million cases of asthma annually are attributable to residential dampness and mold. This means that the unsightly problem can additionally cause detrimental health effects. You can also use the ice cube method to determine the humidity in your house.

If Your Humidity Level Is Too Low

Indeed, measuring the humidity level is relevant as this measurement is used in a large number of testing, storage, and manufacturing processes. The hair expands when it is exposed to excess moisture and contracts in dry climates. Based on this scientific fact, you can tell if the air is dry or moist by checking a strand’s length. Before proceeding with the experiment, shake the mercury in each thermometer so it settles in the bulb of each device. Moisten the wet bulb thermometer with a dampened piece of cotton, affixing the cotton to the thermometer’s bulb.

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